Dear Students,
You previously received communication from President Hall regarding an update to our plans for the fall semester where he invited you to a webinar for continuing students. I write to you today to share more information about that webinar:
Returning to Fall 2020: A Webinar for Continuing Students on Tuesday, July 14 at 3:00 pm.
During the webinar, you will hear from Student Affairs, as well as our task force leaders, who will discuss the status of our “OnCampus Plus” reopening plan. A comprehensive overview of the “OnCampus Plus” plan can be found on this dedicated webpage; we will continue to update this site as details are finalized. We will be sharing additional details about what things will look like in the classroom – whether you attend in person or virtually, how we are committed to your safety and health, updates on student life, and how PACT and Career & Professional Development will support you in the fall.
To attend the webinar, you will need to register in advance: . You will then be emailed a unique link so that you can join via Zoom on July 14.
I look forward to sharing more details with you about Returning to Fall 2020!
Sincerely, and Go Mavs!
Kevin Joyce
Vice President of Student Affairs