Christopher P Loots

  • Associate Professor, Program Director, English

Director of the Master of Arts in English Literature Program, Department of Literature and Language, School of Liberal Arts. Also Director of undergraduate English. Specializations in (published in) American literature (19th and 20th century), modernism, and interdisciplinary studies at the intersection of literature, science, and technology. 

Ph.D. English: Specializing in American literature, modernism, and interdisciplinary studies of literature, science, and technology (Graduate Center of the City University of New York)

B.A. English Literature, World & Comparative Literature (San Francisco State University)


  • ENGL 208: American Lit Survey II
  • ENGL 212: Science Fiction

  • ENGL 214: Cyberpunk/Technoculture

  • ENGL 240: Literature & Film

  • ENGL 249: American Gothic

  • ENGL 275: Modern American Fiction

  • ENGL 276: Contemporary American Lit

  • ENGL 318: Explorers & Exiles in Modern Paris

  • ENGL 365: American Romanticism

  • ENGL 370: American Realism

  • ENGL 400: Seminar in Literary Research and Writing

  • ENGL 514: Ulysses

  • ENGL 514: Hemingway / Modern Cryptography

  • ENGL 526: Modernism

  • ENGL 541: Search for Identity in American Lit

  • ENGL 543: The American Renaissance

  • ENGL 544: Frontiers of American Lit

  • ENGL 545: Literature of the Left Bank, Paris

  • ENGL 599: Master's Thesis